Friday, January 30, 2009


This morning, as I was getting out of bed, my foot got caught in the sheets (quiet, you) and I yelped. Declan, hearing my cry, yelled from the living room, "I'll save you, Mommy!" We heard his little feet coming running at Declan speed and in a second, he appeared in our room, climbed up on the bed, and tackled Chris who was still laying there. At that point, he did his best to wrestle Chris down for hurting me while Chris laughed and protested that he hadn't done a thing to me. (Of course, Chris did give me the what-for because I was singing the Planet of the Apes musical (from the Simpsons) in bed which he didn't appreciate. Frankly, I consider that tackle-and-wrestle worthy.)

In other news, Logan calls his *ahem* region coconuts. We got in Chris's car yesterday and as we drove off, Logan quite pleasantly exclaimed, "Ooh! This car is vibrating my coconuts!"

Also, Declan calls lasagna masanga, and that's amusing in its own right.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's that noise?

Last night, as Chris was walking to bed past Logan's room, Logan stopped him and asked him what that noise was. Chris, confused because he hadn't heard any odd noises, asked what noise Logan was talking about. Logan's response: "Like an apple screaming."

Logan also decided tonight that when Aldin (the "bad kid" at school) grows up, he's going to be a car salesman because car salesmen are liars. (Ed? Was that you?)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Haircuts and things

We've had some craziness around the house for the past couple weeks, and I've gotten out of my routine. The posting has obviously been scarce. That may not change immediately, either.

On a more amusing note, Logan, Chris, and I were watching "Return of the Jedi" the other night after Declan was in bed. At the end, after the Emporer was destroyed by Vader (sorry if I'm giving away the ending) and Luke and Vader were having their final chat, Logan looked up at me and said, "Did Darth Vader go back to the bright side?"

We did haircuts for the boys yesterday. Chris has been harrassing me for Declan's hippiness. The boy's hair has gotten long and unruly and I've been resistant to cutting it because of the curls. But I think I got it out of my system and we'll keep his hair short and under control until he's old enough to take care of it himself. Here's a picture of him before it was cut (well, the curls in the back while he was looking for "circle cheese" in the fridge). [Crappy photo, but you get the idea, right?]

And here's one of the boys together after getting buzzed down. They were quite excited about life at the moment.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

See ya in hell, tonsils

A few months back, during our visit to the family doctor, we decided that given Logan's age and consistent struggle with the s and z sounds, it was probably time to see a speech therapist. The speech therapist said that for those specific sounds Logan was jamming all the air through his nose, but for the rest of his speech, not enough air was getting through. She recommended we take him to see an ENT. Good thing we already had an appointment made, because the doctor who recommended the speech therapist had gasped something that sounded strangely similar to "For crying out loud!" and, "Look at the size of those bastards!" when Logan said "aaah" and showed him his tonsils. He'd also suggested the ENT.

Enter Dr. Peterson, the guy who put tubes in Logan's ears last March. Even way back then, he was impressed at the sheer girth of the tonsils in Logan but figured he was going to be going through enough with the tubes in his ears and the biopsy on the lump in his neck and decided we'd come back another time for the rest. Last month after checking Logan out and talking to me about Logan's sleeping habits (snoring like a chainsaw, tossing and turning all night, beast to wake up in the morning), he figured the tonsils and adenoids were prime for removal. They were obviously causing speech problems and it was very likely they were causing sleep apnea as well, forcing Logan to wake himself up and roll over so he could breathe.

So the -ectomies were scheduled. Chris stayed home to keep Declan fat and happy while Logan and I met Ed and Amy at the surgical center. Logan was clearly nervous, and I had him call Grandpa on the drive. They chit chatted about the things those two mischievous boys chit chat about and Logan's mind was beautifully distracted. Once there, the nurse got Logan changed into his hospital gown and explained everything he could expect. We all watched Monsters, Inc. while we waited for his turn and he seemed to relax a little - until the anesthesiologist came to take him one direction while Mom, Dad and Amy went another. He started crying and Ed did his best to reassure him things would be fine but there wasn't much we could do other than let him go.

While we waited, Ed, Amy and I learned about making pilgrims out of urine hats (seriously) and talked about Amy's childhood experiment with biking + roller skating. It was only about a half hour before the doctor came to tell us the tonsils were out, and Logan was fine and starting to wake up. He said he was amazed at the size of the tonsils and adenoids - they were in the top 5 largest he'd ever seen and they were bringing in doctors and nurses from around the area to gawk and awe at them. Ed said he felt like he won some sort of contest.

Logan had a rough time coming out of the anesthesia. He fell asleep mid-cry a few times, which completely broke my heart. The three of us parents did our best to comfort him and encourage him to drink juice or eat an ice pop so we could go home. Logan was desperate to get the IV out (they put it in his foot so he wouldn't be pawing at it) and that turned out to be his popsicle-eating motivation. Once the popsicle and medicine were down, the IV was removed and we were cleared to go.

I expected him to sleep all day and put up a fight about eating anything, given his reluctance at the hospital. But once we got here, he went to town eating several popsicles, a bowl of ice cream, a bowl of jello, some grapple juice, and even mashed potatoes for dinner. He asked Chris to order him a pizza (denied!) and kept wanting to get up and play.

Now that it's over, Logan sounds younger and doesn't have the hot potato quality to his voice anymore. Once he heals up, we'll get him into speech therapy regularly to help him learn to make the s's and z's properly. But for the moment, he's doing great. Another childhood milestone completed.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crazy Train

Today I hooked my mp3 player (thanks, Chris!) to my speakers and started playing Crazy Train. The starting shouts and laughter by Ozzy startled the crud out of the kids. But when the music cut in, Declan slowly took a few steps over to me with eyes wide, mouth hanging open in a half smile like he just could not believe the awesome he was hearing. He stood, sort of dazed, next to me while the song played and before long his little body was totally getting down. Then the headbanging started.

Chris was in his chair next to me watching Declan out of the corner of his eye, like he was afraid that if he paid too much attention, Declan would get shy and stop his performance. I, knowing Dex a little better than that, openly stared. The kid was into it. During the instrumental part, the boy played air guitar, shook his legs to the beat as if he was actually playing a guitar, closed his eyes, and banged his head like you would not believe.
During this time, Logan was doing some twirls and dancing that reminded me a bit of a cheerleader, but that's neither here nor there.

Considering that Declan's most requested song around our house is Dragula, I think we may have a metalhead on our hands. In light of these preferences Dex has set forth, Chris has happily volunteered to help shape Declan's musical tastes. Though, the kids did just come off a week with Grandpa in which they fell in love with Planet Claire ("Mommy, they don't have any heads there!").