Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Maybe we need more Q-tips?

The other night when Chris and I were falling asleep, I said "Husband." Simple, right? He heard, "Hot snuggle."

Our family was watching Shrek 2 together last night and when Shrek said something about buttocks, Logan heard "butt hogs". I don't know why, but even now it's making me laugh and laugh and laugh.

These moments are related to, but not in the category of When They Don't Know the Words. Oh, you want some examples? Enjoy:

Spikes? Pokes.
Big hammer/mace/mallet? Bammer.
Hot dog buns? Closing bread.
Diarrhea? Pee-poop.
Fart? Bum burp. Bum snap. Bum yawn. Bum sneeze.

Unfortunately, they're getting older and better at speaking and understanding language, so these WTDKTW moments are fewer. But man, oh man, there are few things in the world that make me smile the way I do when I remember Logan asking for a hot dog on some closing bread.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

ftr: we totally use pee-poop to talk about our diarrhea, ever since you told us your word for it. LOVE IT.