Saturday, October 1, 2011

8 is Great!

Sweet baby Logan is now sweet 8-year-old Logan. He's kind of goofy and really smart and very compassionate and has a quirky, sarcastic sense of humor and I'm really happy to know him. He does well in school and seems to have friends a'plenty. He and Declan are still best friends and talk about growing up and living next door to each other or maybe across the street from each other. He'll pretty much try any food and like most of what he tries.

Logan reads. A lot. He will read anything - the other day at breakfast he picked up some papers I was studying for one of my classes and started reading through them. His teacher says he chooses all types of books at school and is happy with whatever he can find. He's set a bit of a benchmark in his class for reading and a lot of kids see him reading certain books and want to read them, too. He read through the first four and a half Harry Potter books and found a love for that world that made me happy to see.

He's got a renewed interest in sign language since there's a boy in his class he's gotten to be buddies with who has cochlear implants. Logan wants his friend to be included in things, so he does his best to sign what he knows and is constantly asking what other signs are.

So anyway, I kind of like the kid.

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