Paul and Robin were here through the weekend, reinforcing their places in the boys' hearts and simultaneously charming Chris's family into developing crushes on them (Grandpa Tiny included). They got to spend some quality time with the kids at the Renaissance Fair, take in a soccer game of Logan's, catch a movie with Dex, and take Logan to the Royals-Red Sox game (I can't be sure, but I think the Red Sox lost that one).
The highlight of the visit (from my perspective) was when Paul and Robin brought Declan home after spending the day with him and Paul proceeded to show us what he taught Declan, which went a little like this:
Paul: "Declan, why are you so cute?"
At which point Declan's supposed to answer: "Because I look like my Grandpa!" And Paul beams at how clever and handsome he is.
What really happened was:
Paul: "Declan, why are you so cute?"
Declan: "Because I look like my mommy!"
HA! Take that, Gramps!

Chris and I play a game like this with the kids and call it "Mask." This is just Paul being a jerk.

I have a horrible confession to make. I think I ruined Logan for life because one morning a long time ago I was taking pictures of him and it was the time of year where the days are short, so when we were getting ready to leave the house it was still dark outside. Every time the flash went off, Logan blinked and the picture came out with his eyes closed. Every.freaking.time. And we tried probably 15-20 pictures and I kept getting frustrated and telling him to open his eyes. So finally we got a decent one (after a few attempts where he physically pried and held his eyes open with his fingers) but ever since that day he's been super conscious of blinking in pictures. This is one of those photos that show how I've ruined my kid, because he's smiling there with his eyes wide open like that
runaway bride that looked like a
deer in headlights in every
photo the media showed of her.
Looks like fun! What a great grandpa- and your kids totally get their good looks from their mom.
look at all that love!
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